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Ardha Chandrasana

(half moon pose)

(are-dah chan-DRAHS-anna)
ardha = half
candra = glittering, shining, having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of the gods); usually translated as “moon”

The moon has a rich symbolic significance in yoga mythology. In hatha yoga, for example, the sun and the moon represent the two polar energies of the human body. In fact, the word hatha itself is often divided into its two constituent syllables, "ha" and "tha", which are then esoterically interpreted as signifying the solar and lunar energies respectively.

Strengthens the spine, stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen. Firms the buttocks with stimulation to groin and abdominal organs. Helps relieve stress and fatigue while improving coordination and sense of balance.

To increase the challenge of this pose, raise the lower hand away from the floor and rest it on the standing thigh. Balance solely on the standing leg for 15 to 30 seconds.


 For Books, Anotomical Focus and 3-D Visuals


Studio Info & Directions

The studio has changing rooms and bathrooms, as well as a place for your personal belongings.

There are no showers in the studio.

Please arrive to class 10-15 minutes early. Arriving on time shows respect for the practice.

Please turn off or silence your phone when you arrive. All cell phone use is to be done outside of the studio and reception area.

No shoes in the studio, please. Remove your shoes prior to entering the studio.

Please do not apply perfume, scented oils or lotions prior to entering or in the studio. Some students have odor sensitivities and/or allergies.

Classes are offered at $10 to $15 per class.

Yoga classes are not only physically demanding but also mentally challenging. Do bring a sense of humor. If you don't laugh, you'll cry!
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Parking & Mass Transportation Options

1) Mass Transportation

2) Street parking

3) Parking garages