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What are others saying about Michael

Michael's yoga classes improved my flexibility, strengthened my core muscles and helped keep me injury-free on my path to making the Olympic rowing team. Before I started yoga, I was hampered by tight hamstrings and repeated back injuries. I began practicing with Michael several years ago and after continued yoga practice with Michael, I litererally felt like parts of my body were 'unlocking' for the first time in years and I was finding muscles I didn't know I had through increased awareness and better balance. Mentally, it provided me a quiet time to center myself and prepare for my next set of grueling practices. I even brought a class Michael's audio series on my Ipod with me when I traveled to Beijing to compete!

Mike Altman
U.S. Olympic Rowing Team

Thank you for a great class. Krounchasana was exactly what I needed. Going into the class I was hoping some postures would do what Krounchasana accomplished for me (physically) - it's like you knew that!

Andy Stewart
Princeton University

For Guruji, yes you hold that position since you impart your knowledge to us, which only a knowledgeable person like a guru can give...

Vrinda - Yoga Student

You are a diamond in the coal mind of life! I dug deep and found you when I needed a spiritual guide to show me that everything we need is right within us and not anywhere else.

J. Alkot - Yoga Student

Whether you know it or not you have changed my life for the better. What you do is a real good thing hope you know that. Thanks!

I talk about you and Yoga more than anything, it makes me that happy.

Sandra C. - Yoga Student

There is yoga, there is Michael. The two together are F*cken Amazing Yoga!

The Following

I have taken many yoga classes, which never approach muscular physiology and are merely gymnastic classes. There has been the other side of yoga with teachers where I find the prana, nadis, spirituality, chanting, and progressing towards non-suffering. Michael is a guruji who teaches me to go inside my house. This is my house to take inventory inside and out.

Young H. - Yoga Teacher

Michael's Yoga kept me beautiful when I was at my ugliest.

Anonymous - Yogini

Michael is what he teaches; opening, knowing, flowing & trusting.

Kyramn - Yoga Student

Nothing compares to how I feel after taking one of your classes. Yoga class with you is so much more than a physical workout, it is a time to go with your feelings and trust yourself.

Ethel M. - Yogini

The class allows me to work within me and not to some contortion outside of me, more than just practice for the yoga mat, but for life.

John G. -Long time student

Honesty, Integrity & Creativity. Michael has all three and more!

K. Ames - Yoga Student

Michael's style of teaching is unique and not forced. It is his combination of physical, technical and spiritual instructions. He never divorces himself from these fixed standards. His wisdom about life is on par with any great philosopher.

D. Urban - Yoga Teacher/Practitioner

What a practice! It's difficult yet somehow invigorating. Michael always holds us (his students) to a higher standard and it shows in each and every class that he instructs. There is no pretension, just raw truth about life and about suffering. Yes, we all laugh and sometimes burst into tears, but that's life in a nutshell isn't it?

Anonymous Student

I love your class, it has taught me to stay grounded and in the moment. Thank you very much.
J. A. - Yogi

Studio Info & Directions

The studio has changing rooms and bathrooms, as well as a place for your personal belongings.

There are no showers in the studio.

Please arrive to class 10-15 minutes early. Arriving on time shows respect for the practice.

Please turn off or silence your phone when you arrive. All cell phone use is to be done outside of the studio and reception area.

No shoes in the studio, please. Remove your shoes prior to entering the studio.

Please do not apply perfume, scented oils or lotions prior to entering or in the studio. Some students have odor sensitivities and/or allergies.

Classes are offered at $10 to $15 per class.

Yoga classes are not only physically demanding but also mentally challenging. Do bring a sense of humor. If you don't laugh, you'll cry!
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Parking & Mass Transportation Options

1) Mass Transportation

2) Street parking

3) Parking garages