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Lesson - Why No Mirrors?

Reason #1: Mirrors hinder the “feeling” process. Asana, which is what primarily most yoga studios teach, is very much a feeling practice. Yogasana offers awareness to physical sensations, breath flow and mental and emotional states. Mirrors lessen this level of awareness and introduce thinking, analyzing and judgments. Simply, mirrors distract from the fullness and bliss yogasana can offer — integration of moving with intention and breath.

Reason #2: Mirrors block the journey to self-acceptance. Yoga offers a way to connect with who we are. We’re not looking to change ourselves in yoga. We’re looking to find ourselves, our true nature. Yoga is a journey to express who we are; the journey requires that we’re 100% in the “feeling” and discovery process. Mirrors again invite judgment and scrutiny, hence blocking the path to accepting ones Self.

Reason #3: Mirrors can cause injury. The “feeling” process keeps us protected in asana practice. Feeling encourages ease. Feeling a pose enables you to know when to move with ease beyond your normal range (your edge) and when to back off. With mirrors, the tendency is to force the body into what one “thinks” the pose should look like based on seeing it in a book or someone else doing it.

If you need reflection:

At least once a day, and more often several times a day, reflect on your day, on your life, on what you’ve been doing right, and what isn’t working. Reflect on every aspect of your life, and from this habit of reflection, you will be able to continuously improve.

I highly recommend that, if you haven’t yet, you develop the daily habit of reflection, in your own way. It could have profound changes on your life.

It helps you learn from your mistakes. If we don’t reflect on our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them.

It gives you great ideas. Reflect on things that you are doing or that are going on in life. If things aren’t going well, learn stuff share with others. Reflect on something that’s a success for you, Think about how you got that success, and share that too.

It helps you help others. The profound realization of how simple little tips can change people’s lives.

It makes you happier. If you reflect on the things you did right, on your successes, that allows you to celebrate every little success. It allows you to realize how much you’ve done right, the good things you’ve done in your life. Without reflection, it’s too easy to forget these things, and focus instead on our failures.

It gives you perspective. Often we are caught up in the troubles or busy-ness of our daily lives. A mistake or a high-pressure project or something like that can seem like it means all the world. It can overwhelm us sometimes. But if we take a minute to step back, and reflect on these problems, and how in the grand scheme of things they don’t mean all that much, it can calm us down and lower our stress levels. We gain perspective, and that’s a good thing.

Studio Info & Directions

The studio has changing rooms and bathrooms, as well as a place for your personal belongings.

There are no showers in the studio.

Please arrive to class 10-15 minutes early. Arriving on time shows respect for the practice.

Please turn off or silence your phone when you arrive. All cell phone use is to be done outside of the studio and reception area.

No shoes in the studio, please. Remove your shoes prior to entering the studio.

Please do not apply perfume, scented oils or lotions prior to entering or in the studio. Some students have odor sensitivities and/or allergies.

Classes are offered at $10 to $15 per class.

Yoga classes are not only physically demanding but also mentally challenging. Do bring a sense of humor. If you don't laugh, you'll cry!
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Parking & Mass Transportation Options

1) Mass Transportation

2) Street parking

3) Parking garages